
About Me

I am a dual Information System and Finance major at Kennesaw State University graduating in Spring 2021, aspiring to become an IT Auditor. I am studying for the CISA exam, which I hope to complete the exam by fall 2022. I am also a member of Beta Alpha Psi-Iota Tau chapter, where I currently serve as chapter's secretary. I will also be a future member of the first ISACA chapter at Kennesaw State University. I believe that passion drives innovation, and to be successful in this world, you have to have the passion and motivation to do well in the profession of IT Audit.

"Innovation is progress in the face of tradition." David
Any Type of Query & Discussion
Feel Free to reach out to me!

Lets Explore

What is IT Audit?

This page explains the definition of IT Audit and a brief explanation of the IT Audit process. This page also explains basic IT Audit controls and IT Audit control tests.

IT Audit Case Study

A brief case study is displayed on this page that explains an IT conflict between two banks and my solution to solve the conflict.

My Skills

Analytical Skills | Communication Skills | Critical Thinking Skills | HTML Coding | Leadership Skills | Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Project Management Software | Microsoft Power BI | Microsoft SharePoint | Microsoft Viso | OmniGraffle | Python Coding Language | Tableau Analytics Software

Honors & Awards

Dean’s List Spring 2019, Spring 2020

Hope Scholarship Recipient Fall 2016 - Present